Friday, February 10, 2012

MSc/PhD Scholarship In Malaysia

MSc/PhD studentships (2 positions)
Applications are invited for two Msc/ PhD studentships at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus for the following project:
Project title: A novel low-cost multiplexing technique for optical communication systems
This research work focuses on the design and development of a novel multiplexing technique for high speed optical fiber communication systems over a single wavelength and WDM. In this technique, the multiplexing process occurs in electrical domain using only one modulator for any number of users which will reduce the cost significantly. Based on the preliminary results proposed multiplexing technique has smaller spectral width; therefore it is expected to leads towards better spectral efficiency and dispersion tolerance in comparison to existing techniques such as TDM and DQPSK. The proposed technique is able to support many users per Wavelength (WDM channel). Therefore, it is expected that the capacity of the WDM channels can be increased tremendously by using this technique. Therefore the work will be extended further to include the proposed technique over WDM system.
As far as the OSI 7-layer Reference Model is concerned, the research works essentially cover the physical layer.
The successful candidate will be expected to take up the studentship preferably from January 2012. The project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia.
For further details, please contact and send resume to the Principal Investigator of the project:
Dr Amin Malek Mohammadi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Nottingham   

PhD studentships (2 positions)
Applications are invited for two PhD studentships at the Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus for the following projects.
Project Title:  Computational study of the effect of green spaces on urban heat island
Synopsis of the Project: Trees are presently grown along roadside without regard to its contributions to air pollution.  Many of these trees being planted presently look weak and yellow.  Moreover, it is well known that trees and other vegetation contribute to the formation of ozone through emission of volatile phytochemicals.  The presence of tree canopies will also alter the wind flow and thus the urban microclimate in a street canyon.  Therefore we need a better understanding of what role and to what degree trees play in changing the quality of urban life, before we champion tree-planting in urban areas.
A combination of computational and field measurement techniques will be employed in the present study.  Field experiments are chosen as our primary tool to obtain scientific evidences of the large bio-diversity in different situation.  Computational modelling is then used as a prognostic model to explore the underlying physical phenomenon like wind flow and air pollutant dispersion characteristics in urban situation situations.  These obtained numerical results will be used to compare with existing urban configurations.
The successful candidate will be expected to take up the studentship preferably from September 2011. The project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia.
Project Title:  Dispersion and alignments of carbon nano-fibres 
Synopsis of the Project: In the manufacturing of fibre mats from recycled carbon fibres, the process involves procedures similar to conventional paper making when fibres are dispersed along a homogeneous fluid system.  However the difference between this process and conventional paper making is that the orientation and alignment of these cut fibres have significant effect in the overall strength of the mat.  This project intends to study the process computationally and investigate the various parameters involved.
The successful candidate will be expected to take up the studentship preferably from September 2011. The project is funded by the Cradle Investments, Technical Fibre Products and Boeing
Project Title:  Dispersion carbon nano-tubes in a convective system
Synopsis of the Project: This project intends to study mathematically the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in a convective system.  The main objective is to understand how the suspension of carbon nanotubes can alter the characteristics of the fluid and how this characteristics can be changed via hydrodynamics.
For further details, please contact and send resume to the Principal Investigator of the project:
Professor Andrew Chan
Professor of Fluid Mechanics
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

Lecturer or Senior Lecturer - Human Anatomy

Lecturer or Senior Lecturer - Human Anatomy 
  • To commence  in June 2012
  • Bundoora location
RMIT is a global university of technology and design, focused on creating solutions that transform the future for the benefit of people and their environments. The School of Medical Sciences (SMS) has a staff compliment of approximately 100 staff plus sessional staff.  With expertise in the disciplines Cell Biology and Anatomy, Exercise Sciences, Laboratory Medicine, Medical Radiations, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy we continue to collaborate with industry, government and community to foster partnerships and clusters of expertise.

SMS is recruiting a full-time Lecturer or Senior Lecturer to work in the Cell Biology and Anatomy Discipline.  Reporting through to the Discipline Head, Cell Biology and Anatomy, you will lecture in human anatomy and contribute to teaching in the Biomedical Science program together with service teaching into Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Chinese Medicine programs.

You will possess a PhD in Biomedical Science or a related science or equivalent, combined with relevant experience and a proven research record.  Whilst maintaining advances in your scholarly, research and professional capabilities, you will work collaboratively and collegially with fellow academics within the teaching team.

Personally, you have well-developed interpersonal, communication and organisational skills, with commitment to continuous course improvement, delivery, quality management processes and a willingness and capability to participate in research team activities.

To review the position description for the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer role, please see below.  For further information, contact Professor Owen Woodman on +61 3 9925 7305.  Please note that all applicants should address a response to the Key Selection Criteria which is within the position description, as a separate document to your updated Cover Letter and CV.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ph.D Assistantships in Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D Assistantships in Chemistry and Biochemistry

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at South Dakota State University offers the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in chemistry with tracks in chemistry and biochemistry.
Students can be admitted into the program with either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in chemistry or biochemistry. Because many research projects are inter-disciplinary or trans-disciplinary in nature, students with prior training in areas such as biology, environmental science, geology, mathematics or physics are strongly encouraged to apply for admission.
Research Programs
The Department’s graduate research programs fall into three thematic interdisciplinary focus areas: biochemistry with an emphasis on biophotonics/biophysical chemistry, environmental chemistry, geochemistry and green chemistry, and chemical education. Within these interdisciplinary focus areas, students can select research projects within the traditional subdisciplines of chemistry; analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic and physical.
Currently active research groups are in drug discovery and delivery, organic synthesis, materials chemistry and self-assembly, chromatography, cell signaling, environmental chemistry of organic contaminants, chemistry of climate change, photochemistry, natural products chemistry, biosensor development, biophysical chemistry, computational chemistry, and solid-state NMR.
Additional information can be found on the department’s website:
Research Instrumentation
The Department is equipped with modern core instrumentation facilities to support its research program including the Core campus NMR facility, Core campus mass spectrometry facility and Core campus proteomics facility.
All students admitted to the program receive an assistantship and tuition support.
Additional Information can be requested by completing this form or e-mailing the department at
To apply for admission go to the on-line Graduate School application portal:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Durham University Commonwealth Scholarships

Durham University has three Commonwealth Shared Scholarships to award to three high-calibre international students from Commonwealth developing nations who will be joining one of the following taught Masters courses in 2012/13:

The scholarships are jointly funded by the Department for International Development and Durham University.  Each covers the cost of one return journey between the award-holder’s home and Durham (economy class), and provides full payment of tuition fees, a stipend of £844 per month, an arrival allowance, a grant of a £200 towards the cost of study travel and a grant of £225 towards the cost of thesis binding (2010 figures).

Eligible Programmes
  • Department of Anthropology
    MSc Medical Anthropology
    MSc Sustainability, Culture and Development
  • School of Applied Social Sciences
    MA Social Work Studies
  • Department of Geography
    MSc Risk and Environmental Hazards
    MA Risk, Health and Public Policy
  • School of Government and International Affairs
    MA International Studies
  • School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
    MSc Internet Systems and eBusiness
    MSc Communications Engineering
    MSc New and Renewable Energy
The deadline by which applications must be submitted is Friday 13 April 2012. The successful candidate will be notified in due course.

Apply Online

Monday, February 6, 2012

Post-Doc Research Fellow at Charles University

Post-Doc Research Fund for Foreign Young Researchers* Wishing to Work at Charles University in Prague

A/ Basic Description and Goal

As a ‘research university’ CU has an interest in the development of research. It is therefore desirable that high-quality post-doctoral researchers from abroad should participate in work at top CU/faculty centres and collaborate here on the intensive development of scientific research and scholarship. The goal of this project is to attract promising post-docs who will research a chosen theme at the relevant centres of CU. The main initiator is always the relevant department/centre of the faculty/institute which has an interest in the research area/project concerned. The CU Research Board is involved in the management of the process. Fund at CU for Foreign ‘Post-Doc‘ Researchers started on August 1st 2011.

B/ Conditions for Realisation

a) The scientific-research centre/department of the faculty has the prerequisites (space, necessary technical resources etc.) to accept a foreign applicant in the category of research workers for work on the relevant research project.
b) The university has the financial resources (non-investment) to cover the essential expenses for conducting the research project and to cover the salary of the applicants.
c) The post-doc worker is accepted to work on the research project for a period of two years
d) Stays are planned in three areas (humanities, natural sciences and medical fields).

C/ Procedure

1. The research centre proposes a viable theme (annotation), falling within its research activities, to be tackled by the applicant's project. After being conveyed to the relevant department of the faculty, this theme is made public in the accessible media (pages of the faculty, CU, foreign portals). One component of this publicization is the proposal of the faculty submitted directly also at the foreign faculty with which the home centre has co-operative research ties.

2. After consultation with the research centre proposing the theme, the applicant draws up a detailed project and submits it to the faculty by a stated deadline. His/her application includes a CV and list of publications, a statement from his/her PhD supervisor and a letter of recommendation from the head of the department/institute where the applicant studied for his/her doctorate (‘Application for post-doc grant at Charles University in Prague‘ and ‘Letter of Reference‘).

3. The faculty passes the application with project details to the CU Rectorate by a stated deadline. Academic communication will proceed with the research centre proposing the theme.

4. The University Committee of five members is appointed by the Rector. This evaluates the project, makes a recommendation and determines the order on whether it should be granted funds from the ‘Post-DocResearch Fund‘ for the relevant year. The definitive allocation of funds is approved by the Rector.

5. The applicant is informed of the results of the procedure, including the possible date of commencement of the stay, and completes the necessary formalities (visa etc.).

6. After the first year of work on the project, the University Committee as determined above will – by means of an interview with the post-doc worker – evaluate the results achieved and will confirm the continuation of his/her stay for the following year. This interim checking process will include a written report from the head of the centre (mentor) on the course of progress of the project. The result of the interview is then handed on to the CU Rectorate's International Affairs Office.

7. Towards the end of the two-year period the realisation of the project is evaluated by the CU University Committee (presentation of final conclusions with submission of publications), and the committee produces a report on the realisation of the project. The CU Research Board is then informed of the result.

D/ Schedule

The applications will be considered twice in the academic year.
For the year 2012, there are two deadlines for the applications submissions at the Rectorate: 15th November 2011 and 20th March 2012.
The candidates must respect the deadlines given in the proposition of the research centre/institute.


From : 1st of July 2012   Until : 1st of July 2014

* Faculty of Social Sciences

Title: Social space: a transdisciplinary issue of knowledge in the areas studies
The project of research proposes to question the valuable assets of spatiality in social sciences theoretical inquiries. The project intends to propose a reflexion to the following question: To what extend the social space is (or isn’t) a transdisciplinary issue of knowledge in social sciences ?

Besides an historiographical and theoretical research, the project aims at proposing a teaching activity in the form of a monthly seminar where scholars (PhD student and researchers) of the faculty will be introduced with theories of place and space in the area studies and will discuss the potential assets of these concepts for their own researches.
To perform the tasks, the research will follow two complementary axis. The first one is dedicated to  the introduction of space in theoretical inquiries in the area studies.

The second axis will question the geographical point of view of cultural memory. This axis is directly linked to researches at the UNCE Centrum pro výzkum kolektivní paměti led by doc. PhDr. Jiří Vykoukal, CSc.

Axis 1. The introduction of space in theoretical inquiries in the area studies: In this axis, we will question the increasing number of empirical and theoretical problematics in the area studies that introduced spatiality as an object of research. We will analyze to what extend the social space in social sciences is not only an object of analysis, but a tool of comprehension and interpration of social phenomena.
Axis 2. Questioning social pasts in the present: toward a cultural geographical inquiry of spatial diachrony.

If the social construction of time and the social relation to space have been largely studied separately, we consider that the deconstruction of scientific conception of time and space and, especially, their relations, permits to approach the spatial phenomena in the variety of its temporalities. Through the analysis of the socio anthropological relation to places and spaces the project proposes a cognitive access to the way societies construct their relation to the pasts.

Contact person: JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 251 080 278
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Smetanovo nábř. 995/6
110 01 Prague 1, CZ

* Faculty of Law

Title: Comparative Rights of EU Citizens and their Family Members in the Czech Republic and in other EM Member State(s): Transition and Implementation of the Directive 2004/38/EC of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States

Contact person: Prof. JUDr. Luboš Tichý, CSc.
Tel.: + 420 221 005 576
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, Centrum právní komparistiky, nám. Curiových 7
116 46 Prague 1, CZ

* Faculty of Physical Education and Training

1. Identification of rates for sports talent in the young generation
2. Individual reflection of physical activities in an environment of postmodern society

Contact person: Doc. PaedDr. Bronislav Kračmar, CSc.,
Tel.: +420 220 172 004

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education and Training,
José Martího, 31, 116 32 Prague 6, CZ

* Faculty of Natural Sciences

Title: Numerical modelling of unsaturated soils

Contact person: Doc. RNDr. David Mašín, Ph.D.
Tel: +420 221 951 552
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering
Geology and Applied Geophysics,
Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, CZ

Title: The role of seed bank in plant invasions: metaanalytical and experimental approach

Contact person: Prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Jarošík, CSc.
Tel: +420 221 951 854
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecology,
Viničná 7, 128 43 Prague 2, CZ

Title: Interspecific hybridization, gene flow, and cryptic diversity in the Daphnia longispina species complex

Contact person: Doc. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 221 951 874
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecology,
Viničná 7, Prague 2, CZ

* Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen

Title: The early embryonic development – regulatory mechanisms of differentiation

Contact person: Doc. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 604 724 171, +420 377 593 321
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Dpt. of Histology and Embryology
Karlovarská 48, 301 00 Pilsen CZ

* 1st Faculty of Medicine

Title: Developmental mechanisms of arrhythmias
The successful candidate will work under the direction of David Sedmera on a project elucidating developmental mechanisms of arrhythmias using the techniques of high-speed optical mapping of electrical activation in the embryonic heart established in the lab (Reckova et al., 2003) in combination with state-of-the-art morphological techniques (in situ hybridization, immunoconfocal microscopy, 3D reconstruction techniques). The model organisms used by the laboratory are avian embryos in ovo and transgenic mice. This line of research has a close relationship with the other directions of the laboratory that include work on hypoxia (Nanka et al., 2008) and pathogenesis of embryonic heart failure (deAlmeida et al., 2007).The candidate would also benefit from close interaction with the Departments of Developmental Cardiology and Cardiovascular Morphogenesis at Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences, located half an hour away in the campus of biomedical institutes at Krc (

Contact person: Ass. Prof. David Sedmera, MD., D.Sc.
Tel. +420 224 965 941
Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomy
U nemocnice 3, 128 00 Prague CZ

* Third Faculty of Medicine

Title: Electrophysiological recording of the spinal cord functions during spine surgery

Contact person: Ass. Prof. Martin Krbec, M.D., Ph.D.
Email: Mail
Tel.: +420 267 162 431
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
Šrobárova 50, 100 34 Prague 10, building H, CZ

Title: Mitochondrial dysfunction in initial stages of metabolic disorders

Contact person: MUDr. Jan Trnka Ph.D. MPhil.
Tel.: +420 267 102 407
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology-Division of Biochemistry,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ

Title: Mechanism of spinal cord stimulation in pain suppression

Contact person: Ass. Prof. MVDr. Šimon Vaculín, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 224 923 241
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ

Title: Modulation of GABA B receptor for neuropathic pain treatment

Contact person: Ass. Prof. MUDr. Miloslav Franěk, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 224 923 241
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ

Title: Biological high-resolution X-ray imaging using Medipix detectors

Contact person: MUDr. Jan Trnka Ph.D. MPhil.
Tel.: +420 267 102 407
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology-Division of Biochemistry,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ

* Charles University in Prague, Environment Center

Title: Behavior and Environmental Economics: Applied Econometrics
More specifically, we invite applications in the field of applied econometrics with applications to residential energy demand and valuation of health benefits by stated preference techniques. Experience in the field of household energy demand, mortality risk valuation, conjoint choice modelling will be an asset. It is assumed that the applicant will collaborate with research fellows working in Environmental Economics & Sociology Unit of this Center.

Contact person:  Dr. Milan Ščasný
Tel: +420 220 199 460
Charles Univesity in Prague, Environment Center, José Martíno 407/2
130 00 Prague 6, CZ

Application forms

The applicant should provide following application forms and documents:

Post Doctoral Fellow Biology

Uppsala University, Sweden, invites online application for the opening of Post Doc in Biology for local PhD

 Postdoctoral Researcher in Evolutionary Biology

This postdoctoral position forms a part of a new project on genetic conflict, funded by the European Research Council and the Swedish Research Council. The entire project will employ some 6-8 postdocs and PhD students, apart from a full time TA and the PI, and will strongly encourage interactions and collaborations within the group.

Salary and appointment: Period of appointment is two years. Uppsala University adopts an individual salary policy but the starting salary for postdoctoral researchers is typically about 29.000 SEK per month and includes full social benefits.


The successful candidate must have a Ph.D, or an exam which is judged comparable to a PhD, that was completed within three years of the application deadline. Applicants that received their PhD earlier than this date will be considered if special circumstances exist (such as prolonged periods of illness, parental leave, military service, union duties and others of similar character).

Qualifications and merits:
We seek candidates with a documented expertise in quantitative genetic analyses and with a firm understanding of life history theory. Experience of laboratory work with insects is a merit as is previous experience of work with respirometry assays of metabolism. Because the holder of this position will collaborate and interact closely with other members of the group, we will put emphasis on both independence and ability to collaborate.

To apply:
Candidates should submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications and a short (1-3 pages) description of past research accomplishments and future research ambitions. Applicants should also include names and e-mail addresses of two referees and should specify the date they will be available to begin the position.

For further information about the position, please contact the PI of the group:

Professor Göran Arnqvist (phone +46 18 471 2645, e-mail The trade union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations), phone +46 18 471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), phone +46 18 471 1996, and Stefan Djurström, Seko (the Union of Service and Communication Employees), phone +46 18 471 3315.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than March 20, 2012 (UFV-PA 2012/67). Use the link below to access the on-line application portal.