Thursday, January 12, 2012


The Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research (ACSER) was
establishedat the University of New South Wales in Sydney to increase
Australia’s capabilities in the space industry. The centre builds on the
well established UNSW strengths of satellite navigation, earth
observation and hypersonics, and draws on the huge expertise of
Australia’s largest Engineering faculty.
The Australian Space Research Program (ASRP) project “SAR Formation
Flying” is based at the centre. Working to user requirements, the
project is developing the business case, design and technologies for a
constellation of low cost and light-weight Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) spacecraft to image the earth at night and in any weather. These
will monitor floods in Australia and have application to forest
monitoring for carbon accounting, border protection, oil spill
detection, agricultural monitoring and ocean surface current mapping.
We are currently looking for PhD students to assist in this and other
projects. Current topics include:
- Deployable Antennas
- Ultracapacitor Power Supplies
- Image Processing
- GNSS Receiver Design
- GNSS/SAR Signals
- Radar Applications
For more information please go to