Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ph.D. Scholarship offered by SISSA, Itlay

Ph.D. Scholarship offered by SISSA, Itlay
For the academic year 2012/2013, SISSA offers the possibility of obtaining the Ph.D. degree in the following fields:

  • (4 positions)
  • (4 positions)
  • (5 positions)
  • (7 positions)
  • (4 positions)
  • (4 positions)
  • (4 positions)
  • (6 positions)
  • (7 positions)
  • (4 positions)
  • (5 positions)
  • (6 positions)
(5 positions)

The School offers grants (currently € 1.135,00 net/month approximately), depending on the amount of funds available, to students who have made a specific request in the online application. The grant is awarded for three years, extendable for a fourth year subject to approval by the School authorities. A contribution towards living expenses of the amount of € 1.200,00 gross per year will also be awarded to those who will submit a regular rental contract.

Information about admission:

 Announcements and deadlines
 Online Application
 Online Application FAQ
 Other info: Students@SISSA wiki
 PhD E-mail contact

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

IRENA Scholarship for Master

IRENA Scholarship for Master

Applicants for IRENA’s Scholarship Programme will be admitted in accordance to the academic standards and regulations of Masdar Institute. Out of those who passed, IRENA will select the winning candidates in accordance with additional criteria that can be found in this document or on IRENA’s
IRENA MSc Scholars are required to join a renewable energy related research project for the duration of their scholarship. Upon the commencement of each semester, during the orientation week, MASDAR Institute will inform all new students about the current research projects. Out of these projects IRENA scholars shall select a renewable energy topic related to any of the six renewable energy sources that IRENA is mandated to work on, namely: Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro, Ocean, Solar, and Wind. Moreover, the final thesis shall be written on a renewable energy related topic.
While IRENA scholars will benefit from the additional services offered by IRENA, they still must adhere to MASDAR Institute’s policies and procedures, as set out in the MASDAR Institute’s Student Academic Handbook.
During the two years Programme at MASDAR Institute, IRENA’s MSc scholars will work on a research project relevant to renewable energies and can select between eight MSc Programmes. The study is completed with a Master thesis.
More information

Full scholarship for 2 years (including tuition, textbooks, housing, medical insurance, laptop, and travel expenses) with no bonds upon graduation
Cost of living allowance
IRENA MSc Scholars will benefit from IRENA’s Lecture Programme and a unique direct contact to IRENA experts and their first-hand information on current renewable energy developments
Submit your application, if you comply with the following MASDAR Institute criteria:
Relevant undergraduate degree from a college, university or technical college of acceptable standing in the field of science, engineering or information technology
Minimum CGPA required: 3.0 on a scale of 4.0.
Competence in spoken and written English. Minimum TOEFL score: 91 (IBT) on the international TOEFL. Minimum academic IELTSscore: 6.5.
Minimum GRE quantitative score: 700(or 155 on the new scale) .
Academic record and credentials must indicate the ability to achieve distinction
And the following IRENA criteria:
Desired specialisation within the chosen MSc programme.
Description of knowledge already acquired in the field of renewable energies and relevant previous professional engagements or experience.
In case of equal aptitude, priority access will be given to applicants from Developing Countries.
Interested students can apply for an IRENA MSc Scholarship directly through MASDAR Institute’s website. Applications have to be submitted
electronically. All required proofs and certificates have to be sent to MASDAR Institute. A list of the required documents can be found on MASDAR Institute’s website.
Important: Please note that you have to indicate your interest in an IRENA Scholarship on Masdar Institute online application form by activating the appropriate box. Otherwise you will apply for a common MASDAR scholarship and you will not be able to benefit from IRENA’s Lecture Programme and other advantages.
IRENA’s MSc scholarship is now open for application and will be closed on 31 May 2012 for the Academic Year 2012-2013. Apply online via MASDAR Institute’s website, and indicate that you are applying for an IRENA Scholarship.
If you need further information on IRENA scholarship please contact:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Post Doctoral Fellow



Post Doctoral
Johor (Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Post Doctoral Fellowship Scheme
This scheme provides fund for appointment of Post Doctoral Research Fellow who will conduct full time research work, and thereby contributes towards enhancing and strengthening research work in a particular research area. Candidate must be a Doctorate in related field of studies from a recognized Institution of Higher Education.
Job Requirements
1.Application must be made by the Post Doctoral candidate through his/her UTM supervisor.
2.Candidates either Malaysian or Non- Malaysian are welcome.
3.Non-Malaysian post doctoral candidates need to prove his/her proficiency in English throughTOEFL (minimum score 600) or IELTS (minimum score 6.5).
Terms of Appointment:
  1. The tenure for the post-doctoral fellowship is one (1) year, subject to research performance.
  2. Monthly allowance is between RM 5,000-RM 7,000 based on his/her proven skills and experiences.
  3. Travel expenses will be covered by UTM (economy class return only).
Documents to be attached together with application form.
  1. Passport (page to verify passport number)
  2. Recent photograph
  3. Academics certificates (Diploma/*Bachelors/Masters/*PhD or Senate approval letter)
  4. TOEFL/IELTS/ others equivalent certificates
  5. CV
  6. Research Proposal
Selection Criteria
  1. Total amount of research grant must be more than RM 250,000.00.
  2. Valid duration of research project must be at least 12 months.
  3. Preference will be given to contract, technofund and sciencefund projects.
Any inquiries and applications are welcome and should be addressed to Mrs. Punithavalli Marimuthu, Senior Assistant Registrar at (607) 5537807 or email to and kindly visit at

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholarship

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholarship

The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to make a substantial contribution to ASEAN’s development by providing opportunities for postgraduate study (i.e. Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s degree and doctorate/PhD) in New Zealand.
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) are part of the New Zealand’s official development assistance to the ASEAN region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), through the New Zealand Aid Programme, delivers this scholarships scheme.

Under the NZ-AS scheme, up to 170 scholarships are available to candidates from ASEAN countries. From the total of 170, up to 50 scholarships per annum are available for Indonesian applicants.
The scholarships are for full-time study (see the scholarships benefits) at one of nine eligible New Zealand institutions. See the list of eligible New Zealand education institutions
Who can apply?
Individuals who meet the following profile may apply for the NZ-AS scholarships:
  • From the public or private sector;
  • With a proposed field of study in support of sustainable economic development (as the core focus of the New Zealand Aid Programme), especially on agriculture, renewable energy (geothermal) and disaster risk management;
  • Strong candidates from all areas will be considered, especially candidates who can demonstrate leadership qualities and potential for future leadership;
  • Preferably be under 40 years of age at the time of application for Masters and under 45 years of age at the time of application for PhD;
  • Those with work experience in a field relevant to their intended course of postgraduate study, and able to demonstrate a connection between their previous field of study and their intended field of postgraduate study;
  • Applicants must also meet the general eligibility criteria outlined in the ASEAN Scholarships under Indonesia Country Portfolio.
Targeted candidates:
  • Individuals from eastern Indonesia (West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua);
  • Individuals prioritised who are from the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Mineral Resources and Energy, Marine Resources and Fisheries, (including relevant research institutions under those Ministries); Environment; Tourism; Education, Foreign Affairs, National Police, National Agency for Planning and Development and Ministry of Defence (civilian officials).
11 April 2012: Applications due
August/September 2012: Short-listed candidates interviewed and IELTS tests administered, if required
October/November 2012: Successful candidates informed
January 2013: English language training commences
January 2013: Pre-departure briefing
For further information and to submit an application please contact PT Austraining Nusantara (PTAN), the managing service contractor for New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards in Indonesia:
PT. Austraining Nusantara (PTAN)
PO BOX 1808
Jakarta Pusat 10018
Tel: 021 5292 0810
Fax: 021 5292 0818