Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ph.D Assistantships in Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D Assistantships in Chemistry and Biochemistry

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at South Dakota State University offers the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in chemistry with tracks in chemistry and biochemistry.
Students can be admitted into the program with either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in chemistry or biochemistry. Because many research projects are inter-disciplinary or trans-disciplinary in nature, students with prior training in areas such as biology, environmental science, geology, mathematics or physics are strongly encouraged to apply for admission.
Research Programs
The Department’s graduate research programs fall into three thematic interdisciplinary focus areas: biochemistry with an emphasis on biophotonics/biophysical chemistry, environmental chemistry, geochemistry and green chemistry, and chemical education. Within these interdisciplinary focus areas, students can select research projects within the traditional subdisciplines of chemistry; analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic and physical.
Currently active research groups are in drug discovery and delivery, organic synthesis, materials chemistry and self-assembly, chromatography, cell signaling, environmental chemistry of organic contaminants, chemistry of climate change, photochemistry, natural products chemistry, biosensor development, biophysical chemistry, computational chemistry, and solid-state NMR.
Additional information can be found on the department’s website:
Research Instrumentation
The Department is equipped with modern core instrumentation facilities to support its research program including the Core campus NMR facility, Core campus mass spectrometry facility and Core campus proteomics facility.
All students admitted to the program receive an assistantship and tuition support.
Additional Information can be requested by completing this form or e-mailing the department at
To apply for admission go to the on-line Graduate School application portal:

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