Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Durham University Commonwealth Scholarships

Durham University has three Commonwealth Shared Scholarships to award to three high-calibre international students from Commonwealth developing nations who will be joining one of the following taught Masters courses in 2012/13:

The scholarships are jointly funded by the Department for International Development and Durham University.  Each covers the cost of one return journey between the award-holder’s home and Durham (economy class), and provides full payment of tuition fees, a stipend of £844 per month, an arrival allowance, a grant of a £200 towards the cost of study travel and a grant of £225 towards the cost of thesis binding (2010 figures).

Eligible Programmes
  • Department of Anthropology
    MSc Medical Anthropology
    MSc Sustainability, Culture and Development
  • School of Applied Social Sciences
    MA Social Work Studies
  • Department of Geography
    MSc Risk and Environmental Hazards
    MA Risk, Health and Public Policy
  • School of Government and International Affairs
    MA International Studies
  • School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
    MSc Internet Systems and eBusiness
    MSc Communications Engineering
    MSc New and Renewable Energy
The deadline by which applications must be submitted is Friday 13 April 2012. The successful candidate will be notified in due course.

Apply Online


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