Monday, January 30, 2012

PhD position in UK

The Scholarship for autumn 2012 is open to international, EU and UK candidates who have both (i) exceptional academic qualifications and (ii) a strong commitment to acquiring a professional doctoral training to be management academics. Applicants must be seeking to earn a PhD on a full-time basis, and will be required both (i) to take taught programmes in research and teaching methods and (ii) to contribute annually up to a maximum of 100 hours of seminar-based teaching and assessment. (Candidates will not be expected to deliver lectures.) Annual continuation of awards will depend on satisfactory performance.
Applications are welcomed from outstanding graduates who:
  1. must hold at a minimum a bachelor degree (a First or Upper-second or GPA equivalent)
  2. Are fluent in English.
  3. Are strongly committed to, and potentially capable of, high-quality academic research in an area that is consistent with the research expertise of School staff, as well as the ability and desire to develop their teaching skills in this area.
Suitably qualified candidates should apply directly online
Closing date for applications: 14th March 2012
All applicants are advised to view the School’s webpages:
Applicants must be seeking to earn a PhD on a full-time basis and be a new PhD student to the School of Management. Annual continuation of studentships will depend on satisfactory academic performance by holders.
For any queries please contact: Graduate Division, School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom. Email:  Tel: 44 (0) 1225 386714/386162.

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