Saturday, January 28, 2012

PhD position in Czech Republic for Master Students

STARS is a program supporting talented PhD students at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. The aim of this program is to provide excellent education and an adequate income to PhD students of the Faculty. The STARS program wants to attract the best students from the Czech Republic as well as from abroad.

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, is a top-quality centre of research in natural sciences. We are proud of our rich history and the number of famous scientists who have worked here (including the Nobel prize laureates Einstein and Heyrovsky). The Faculty takes care about its future as well, however, and that’s why the STARS program was born. Come to Prague and become the future of our Faculty!
Can I apply?
The STARS program is open to all applicants who hold a master‘s degree or equivalent in sciences, medicine, pharmacology and a related field of study. It is also open to students who are in the last year of their studies and will be able to present their degree diploma at the beginning of their PhD.
The candidate should be proficient in English; however, no formal English exam (such as TOEFL) is required.
How can I apply?
This year, we offer 30 PhD projects. You can choose up to three projects for which you can then apply through an online application form.
How are candidates selected?
The program is competitive. The supervisors of the individual PhD projects will shortlist eligible applicants, who will then be invited for an interview to be held during the month of March. The exact interview dates will be agreed upon between the supervisors and the candidates. Based on the interviews, the applicants to whom the scholarship will be offered will be selected in the beginning of April.
What do we offer?
All PhD students receive a state-guaranteed scholarship of 6050 Czech crowns per month in their first year of study; the scholarship increases slightly over the course of 4 years for which it is granted.
In addition to the state scholarship, the STARS program students will also be granted the STARS-scholarship of at least 10 000 CZK per month. Their net income will therofore be at least 16 050 CZK per month (~650 Euro). The remuneration may be further augmented by the project supervisor.
The PhD students accepted for the STARS program will work on the selected scientific project under the guidance of the supervisor. Besides, they will be offered cutting-edge methodological courses and soft skills training (e.g. academic writing, presentation skills). The STARS students may also participate in teaching bachelor and master students of the Faculty.
What else?
All Charles University students (including STARS students) are eligible for subsidized accommodation in university dormitories and meals in university cafeterias.
More information about living in the Czech Republic and Prague in particular can be found at:

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