Monday, January 30, 2012

Post Doc in MIT Harverd

Postdoctoral position in Neuroinformatics: Children’s Hospital Informatics Program, in collaboration with the Division of Developmental Medicine and Epilepsy Clinic
An immediate opening is available for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the laboratory of William J. Bosl, Instructor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital Boston. This position provides an extraordinary opportunity to work collaboratively in neuroinformatics together with the laboratory of Charles A. Nelson, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, to participate in the discovery of early biomarkers for autism and developmental disorders. The position is funded for one year and is renewable annually pending availability of future funds.

DUTIES: The position involves working in close collaboration with the PI and with researchers and students in the Nelson lab. Specific duties include organizing and evaluating diagnostic test scores (ADOS, ADI, Mullen, others) and other medical data; implementation and execution of various programs to compute EEG signal features, map signal features and other physiological measures to behavioral assessments; statistical analysis of data; preparation and presentation of results at seminars; preparation of papers for publication. Candidates will have opportunities for interaction with researchers and clinicians in Developmental Medicine and Neurology, as well as to explore applications of neuroinformatics to epilepsy and global pediatric healthcare.
QUALIFICATIONS: Successful candidates should have an PhD or equivalent in computer science, engineering, physics, cognitive or computational neuroscience, machine learning or a related field or equaivalent experience, with an interest in clinical applications of nonlinear EEG signal processing and psychiatric biomarkers to pediatric healthcare. Experience with one or more of the following will be helpful and enable a broader research experience:
§ Machine learning methods applied to EEG signal features
§ Feature extraction methods
§ Python, matlab, R, C/C++ or similar programming skills
§ Signal processing
§ Complex systems analysis, Recurrence Plot Analysis
§ Statistical data analysis, data mining
§ Experience with neuropsychological assessments
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to gain skill in each of these areas.
Applicants should send a CV or resume, statement of research interests and the names and contact information for up to three references to Dr. William Bosl at william.bosl at

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