Saturday, November 12, 2011

fully-funded, four-year PhD studentship UCL

Maximizing the Efficiency of Solar Energy Harvesting in Luminescent Solar Concentrators

University College London - Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Project: Maximizing the Efficiency of Solar Energy Harvesting in Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Applications are invited for a fully-funded, four-year PhD studentship, at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London (UCL) in nanophotonics for solar cell applications. The studentship is available for immediate start and is supported by an EU Marie-Curie fellowship and a UCL Grand Challenges Impact Award. The main objective of the present PhD project is to reduce the cost of harvesting solar energy in Luminescent Solar Concentrators (LSCs) by exploiting advanced nanophotonic concepts and by doing so, to contribute to the global efforts for economically viable - carbon free energy generation from sustainable and renewable resources. The work to be undertaken is multidisciplinary, crossing the boundaries between electrodynamics modelling, material science and nanotechnology fabrication.
Candidates should send a detailed CV, a letter of intent and the names of two referees to be potentially contacted, to Dr. Ioannis Papakonstantinou (, who will also be happy to answer any questions about the research project and studentship. Selected applicants will be instructed to apply formally through UCL's Admissions.

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