Thursday, June 30, 2011

University of Technology Sydney: PhD Position

PhD Scholarships in Sustainable Energy Technologies
University of Technology Sydney - Centre for Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency
The UTS Centre for Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency (MTEE) is offering four competitive scholarships to prospective PhD students with a keen interest in the development of sustainable energy technologies. Valued at $22,500 per-annum for the duration of three years, research studentships will be offered in the areas of CVD growth of optoelectronic materials and nanostructures, thermal processing and electron beam induced processing.
Our newly refurbished laboratories include state-of-the-art research equipment and electron microscopes donated by a longstanding industry partner, FEI Company. Research students will have access to use all the facilities and equipment housed within the UTS Microstructural Analysis Unit.
The mission of MTEE is to develop innovative materials science and technology for the use and production of sustainable energy in a clean, efficient and economical way. MTEE researchers have strong collaborative links with industry which provides opportunities for staff and students to collaborate with and create contacts in the high tech industry both within Australia and overseas.
Associated Course area or Division
Faculty of Science and the Centre for Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency (within the School of Physics and Advanced Materials)
This scholarship is open to Australian citizens and overseas applicants with an Honours degree or equivalent in the fields of sustainable energy technologies. Selection criteria will be based on academic merit
July 2011 intake
$22,500 AUD
Application closing date:
30 June 2011
How to apply:
Applicants must contact Professor Matthew Phillips ( with a brief summary of their relevant experience and qualifications.
Professor Matthew Phillips
Associate Head of School (Research), School of Physics and Advanced Materials
Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney
Phone: +61 2 9514 1620

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