Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PhD opportunity in AUS



The Medical University of Graz offers a PhD Program in Neurosciences. The program provides cutting-edge education with respect to the molecular basis of human diseases and therapeutics. The thesis projects focus on various aspects of neurological and cerebrovascular diseases, ageing of the brain and neurodegeneration, and integrate basic, applied and clinical sciences, as well as a wide spectrum of experimental techniques.
Admitted PhD students receive funding for three years. Applicants must hold a Master´s degree or equivalent in Medicine, Chemistry or Life Sciences. English is the language used for teaching, communication and writing of the Thesis and thus, excellent English skills are required.

The PhD Program "Neurosciences" is accomplished by the faculty:

Brain Ageing
Cerebral Ageing - Damage and Repair

Speaker: Helena Schmidt
Deputy Speaker: Christian Enzinger

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