Sunday, November 27, 2011

PhD scholarship hosted by the Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark

A PhD scholarship hosted by the Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark and Department of Bioscience, Freshwater Ecology, Aarhus University within the Centre for Lake Restoration (CLEAR) is open within the area: Ecological modelling of freshwater lakes with special emphasis on effects of lake restoration.

Study Subject : aquatic science with experience in modelling
Web Address: :
Provided By: : Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark and Department of Bioscience, Freshwater Ecology, Aarhus University
Level: : Master Degree

Research Information
This project will apply, and further develop, a state-of-the-art, open source, aquatic ecosystem model based on the Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models (FABM). Main focus will be on applying this model to untangle the effects of reduced nutrient loading, oxygenation and bio-manipulation of deep Lake Fure (max depth 37.5 m) in Denmark.

Available for International Citizens

Application Details
Applications must be forwarded by e-mail (in Adobe PDF format alternatively Word 2003 or newer format) to

Deadline : 15 December, 2011 at 12 noon

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